Friday, October 29, 2021

What Does Ruby Want?

Ruby is always staring at us. We spend a lot of time trying to figure out what she wants. She controls us with her eyes, her bark, and her her high pitched annoying whine. She can be very demanding.  Ruby gets under our feet in the kitchen, begging us to drop something she can eat. Bonnie’s kitchen is often a hub of activity.

We eat very well here.

The other night I pulled a coveted piece of Alaskan halibut from the camper freezer. My brother Mike caught it in Alaska last August when we traveled there to see his daughter, Sundance, and he shared a piece with me! (My niece is the bravest and most adventurous women I know, by the way, and is not afraid to travel alone in foreign countries. I hope she writes about her travels someday! )

We broiled the halibut, which became the centerpiece of our feast. Bonnie steamed fresh green beans from her garden. She had wheat berries in the fridge that she’d grown and prepared for eating. I added them to a salad along with a chopped apple, dried figs from the tree out front, a handful of assorted greens from the garden, Bonnies fresh cherry tomatoes, pecans, and a simple dressing made of olive oil, vinegar, lemon, honey, salt and pepper. Bonnie dipped slices of her green garden tomatoes in a perfectly seasoned, light corn meal batter, and fried them up as promised. Everything was so yummy and satisfying. 

Of course, we’ve had Mexican food several times, and according to all knowing Google, New Mexico cuisine is a blend of Native American, Spanish, and Anglo tastes. New Mexico is called the chile capital of the world and the chile is the official state vegetable (even though it’s really a fruit). Needless to say, chile is a staple in Bonnie’s kitchen. The little plastic containers in the to right corner of the photo are honey.  We were given a complementary order of sopaipillas, which reminded me of Indian fry bread. It’s was just what we needed after baskets of chips and salsa, but I enjoyed every last sticky bite.  

Ruby looks so innocent sleeping in this photo. When she isn’t scratching on a door to get in or out, barking at her water bowl for more water, whining at the couch because her treat or toy rolled under it, she is pretty darn cute. One night back home, I awoke to the bedroom door slamming against the wall, and as I glanced at the doorway there was Ruby staring at me with the hallway nightlight eerily illuminating her. She just stood there and stared. Little freak.


Jodi B said...

I miss little Ruby and my mouth is watering From your description of the wonderful food. It looks like you’re having a wonderful time.

Carrie Kay said...

The food is so good!! Ruby and I miss our BFF!

Unknown said...

The food looks and sounds wonderful!! Ruby is a doll.

Autumn S said...

Oh my gosh it sounds like Gypsi and Ruby have very similar personalities! 🤣