I'll be 60 years old in January. I made the mistake of googling what happens to your body when you turn 60. The first thing that popped up is how my skin will get drier and itchier - is that even possible? I have been battling dry, itchy, skin my entire life, starting when I could reach my legs with my fat little baby fingers. Next I read, "wrinkles, age spots, creases, and bruises will become more noticable." Yup, that's been happening for awhile now. Cray recently gifted me with a beautiful sparkly ring that I fell in love with. Of course, I asked her to take a photo of it on my hand. I had planned to show the ring off on FaceBook, but my hand simply looked too old to me. I have since adjusted my attitude, afterall, I've earned every wrinkle!
I am grateful to be alive and healthy. I accept that I am aging and I realize there are people older than me that wish they were 60 again. I absolutely subscribe to the belief that age is a state of mind, not a place in time, but I still don't like what is happening to my body... and that's just the honest truth.
I don't have to like what's happening to my body, but I do need to practice gratitude. I have so much to be grateful for: I'm retired, I have a devoted wife, a loving circle of friends and family, I'm wintering in a warm climate, and I'm having tons of fun doing it. I still have all my teeth, excellent vision - with my glasses, and I can work as hard as I did in my twenties. I've spent the past 30 years improving my character and beautifying my heart...I think that's what's really important.
Beautiful ring on a beautiful hand. I love you my BFF
Having just hit 64 I wanted to chuckle at your concerns - but 60 is a major milepost... you know, I remember when I turned 30. All of my friends were older than me, so I just felt like I was growing up! It's all in your perspective, I guess! Great post!
I hear you cousin....I'll be 60 next August....so weird to feel the same inside, and then catch a glimpse in the mirror! Like you I am hugely grateful to be healthy and happy....wrinkles and all! :)
The ring, your hand, you, your heart….. ALL beautiful! 😘
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