Sunday, November 21, 2021

Never Google "What to Expect in Your 60's."

I have always loved this old photo of me pushing my older brother, Kirk, in our baby sister's stroller. There is so much going on, plus you have to love the vintage baby carriage. My grandma Sylvia is cradling baby Cathy on her lap.  Grandma always wore a house dress and an apron.  I am betting that Kirk has Cathy's pacifier in his mouth, and the mysterious hand above me probably belonged to my oldest brother, Mike. I've aged a lot since this photo was taken. 

I'll be 60 years old in January. I made the mistake of googling what happens to your body when you turn 60. The first thing that popped up is how my skin will get drier and itchier - is that even possible? I have been battling dry, itchy, skin my entire life, starting when I could reach my legs with my fat little baby fingers. Next I read, "wrinkles, age spots, creases, and bruises will become more noticable." Yup, that's been happening for awhile now. Cray recently gifted me with a beautiful sparkly ring that I fell in love with. Of course, I asked her to take a photo of it on my hand. I had planned to show the ring off on FaceBook, but my hand simply looked too old to me. I have since adjusted my attitude, afterall, I've earned every wrinkle!

My beautiful new handcrafted ring on my almost 60 year old finger. 

I am grateful to be alive and healthy. I accept that I am aging and I realize there are people older than me that wish they were 60 again.  I absolutely subscribe to the belief that age is a state of mind, not a place in time, but I still don't like what is happening to my body... and that's just the honest truth. 

I don't have to like what's happening to my body, but I do need to practice gratitude. I have so much to be grateful for: I'm retired, I have a devoted wife, a loving circle of friends and family, I'm wintering in a warm climate, and I'm having tons of fun doing it. I still have all my teeth, excellent vision - with my glasses, and I can work as hard as I did in my twenties. I've spent the past 30 years improving my character and beautifying my heart...I think that's what's really important. 


Jodi B said...

Beautiful ring on a beautiful hand. I love you my BFF

Kaye said...

Having just hit 64 I wanted to chuckle at your concerns - but 60 is a major milepost... you know, I remember when I turned 30. All of my friends were older than me, so I just felt like I was growing up! It's all in your perspective, I guess! Great post!

Carrie Kay said...


Kristi said...

I hear you cousin....I'll be 60 next weird to feel the same inside, and then catch a glimpse in the mirror! Like you I am hugely grateful to be healthy and happy....wrinkles and all! :)

Autumn S said...

The ring, your hand, you, your heart….. ALL beautiful! 😘