Sunday, October 24, 2021

Meet Reverend Bonnie & Ruby Meets Rosie

Be forewarned. I may know how to tell a good story, but I don't always know when to use a semicolon versus a comma. I sometimes write run-on sentences. I misspell and misuse words, even with spell check. If you are a grammar purist, my writing may annoy you, but I've determined that I have to write --- regardless of my skill level. I have so many stories to share!

                                                              Rev. Bonnie

Cray started dating Bonnie the year I graduated from high school in 1980. Bonnie was a student at Grinnell College. Grinnell is Crays hometown. Their relationship ended, but they stayed friends all these years. That's what lesbians do, in case you didn't know. Bonnie is professionally known as, Reverend Bonnie, and she is delightful. We've been trying to visit since she lost her son, but Covid kept us away. The photos above are of her house. Her front door is hidden from the street by a gated courtyard. This is where Rosie, the desert tortoise, lives freely amongst the trees, flowers, cacti, birdhouses, patio furniture and festive twinkling outdoor hanging lights. 

Ruby looked terrified the first time she met Rosie.

Rosie moves pretty fast for a turtle AND Rosie is actually a boy. Bonnie didn’t know that until he grew up and his head turned green and his eyes turned red. He already knew his name, so he stayed Rosie. He likes to meet new people and animals. He will sniff your toes, which kind of freaks me out. I grew up with snapping turtles after all!


Diane Denman said...

Have been enjoying your blog! Looking forward to more.


Jodi B said...

I love it!