Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Happy Birthday to Me!

Cray surprised me with a helicopter ride to celebrate my 60th birthday today. I rode up front and I was kind of like the co-pilot….well, maybe not, but I did feel pretty darn special.

There were hikers on the very top of Camelback Mountain in the distance. Chris, our helicopter pilot, said the last part of that hike involves pulling yourself up the rocks to reach the top. I won’t be doing that. 

Thumbs up! We are getting ready to board the helicopter.

Look at all those trails! Chris said they are for biking, walking, and horseback riding. No ATV's?

We flew over bazillion dollar houses. Lifestyles of the rich and famous - does anyone really need a forty thousand square foot home?

The pilot had the largest black bear ever shot in Arizona on display in his hanger. Personally, I think it’s pretty sad, but the bear did make a good photo-op. I look like I am swallowing my tongue. 

We stopped to photograph this sculpture designed by Frank Lloyd Wright and built years later by one of his esteemed students.

Tonight, we are grilling steaks and playing dominoes with our friend Kim and our new friend Angela. I received tons of birthday wishes from all my friends and family. I am so blessed!

                         Happy Birthday to Me! 


Jodi B said...

Happy birthday bestie!

Rob Heater said...

Happy Birthday my friend!

Diane Denman said...

What a great birthday present! Flew a helicopter early 80s over Table Rock lake. What a blast. Happy birthday!