Saturday, November 6, 2021

Ruby Would Love it if You Officially Followed This Blog (and Here's How)!

                      Cray and I posing for a quick selfie.

People (actually just one woman, lol) have asked me how to follow my blog, so I thought I'd take a moment and blog about it. Currently, I've been posting a link on Facebook every time I publish a new post and I’ll continue to do that, but you can also be an official follower! Ruby and I would really love it if you were. 

Ok, first thing this morning I posted what I THOUGHT were the directions, but they didn’t work. My number one daughter said you need to be on your computer to follow me. You can get to the website version from your phone/mobile version if you scroll all the way to the bottom - play around with it or ask a child to help you! 

#1 daughter here- The lovely option to subscribe with your email is no longer available through Blogger. I’ve tried a couple of alternatives, but honestly, I’m not getting paid for this. 😂   

You will need to scroll to the bottom of the blog and choose web version if you are on your smart phone. 

I’ve set it up so you can:

Follow -this means that you will be shown as a person who enjoys this blog. By following other people will see you and can check out your blog as well. This is a good way to both show your support as well as do a little marketing for your own blog. 

Subscribe - If you wish to receive notifications when this blog is updated there is a subscribe option. It will NOT go straight  to your email though as they have gotten rid of that option. Perhaps we can start a petition for them to bring it back. Though it was not a simple task either as it required some basic embedding skills. 

Anyway…. There is now a subscribe button on the right navigation bar. It will get you set up on a RSS feed with updates from this blog. It’s then up to you to figure out how to access those. I believe you have to have a blogger account and then you can go to your profile and access your RSS feed there. 

Good luck and may the odds be ever in your favor. -  Favorite Most Amazing First Born Daughter. 

I will leave you with this photo of me blogging. Well, actually I am looking at my phone, but this is where I usually write. I love Bonnie’s big bay window and all her plants and pretty glassware, plus it’s close to the coffee pot. 

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